Let’s make the perfect video for you.
Nate has worked with large corporations, small businesses, and individuals — not to mention teams of his own. Here are some examples of videos he’s made.

Overview Videos
When people land on your website, they want to quickly learn what your organization is all about. You need a short, engaging video there to show them what you do and why it matters.

Event Videos
You can host a great event, but how will the people who didn’t attend get to see what they missed? With a powerful event video, they’ll catch the highlights and be excited to sign up for the next one.

Customer Testimonials
It’s always more powerful when someone else praises you, rather than you praising yourself. Video testimonials are the perfect way to encapsulate your customers’ feedback and share it with prospects.

Whiteboard Videos
Some products need more than an elevator pitch — they need to be demonstrated visually. Animated whiteboard videos can show complex information in a way your customers will easily understand.

Digital Product Videos
Have a website, application, or portal you’d like to showcase? You don’t have to always do it live — a video can give a great overview of your digital product for prospective customers.

Recruiting Videos
If you want to hire the right people, they need to know what your company culture is like. And no one knows your culture better than your employees. Broadcast your employees’ positive experiences with a slick recruiting video.

Music Videos
You want people to come see you perform live, but how will they learn about you? Music videos are the perfect way to showcase your work online so fans can get to know your band.

Walk-and-Talk Videos
Motion keeps viewers engaged. With a walk-and-talk video, you can walk naturally throughout your space, explaining what you do and why viewers should be a part of it.

Mission Videos
If you’re a nonprofit, or any organization with an important mission, you need to teach people about that mission. A short video can capture attention and encourage people to get on board.

Movie Trailers
There are a million movies getting made all the time. What’s going to make your movie stand out from the rest? One thing’s for sure: you need a compelling trailer.

Behind-the-Scenes Videos
People don’t just want to watch your movie — they want to know how you made it! Behind-the-scenes videos are the perfect way to delight your supporters and showcase your team’s production skills.

Ready to get started? Contact Nate with a brief description of your project.

Contact Nate